Our vision

We belive that only the best is good enough

For 30 years, we have been importing and distributing top quality products of renowned European and international food brands to the Croatian market.

About us

Developmentof the Company

Stanić d.o.o. vodeći je hrvatski distributer prehrambenih proizvoda. Range proizvoda obuhvaća široku paletu mliječnih, mesnih i konzerviranih proizvoda te široku ponudu smrznutog asortimana. Kompanija Stanić osnovana je 1994. godine sa sjedištem u Zagrebu i nudi potpuna poslovna rješenja za distribuciju i prodaju kvalitetnih robnih marki. Lidersku poziciju kompanija je izgradila kroz razvoj snažne distribucijske mreželogističku podrškuvlastiti pogon za proizvodnju i narezivanje hrane te vlastiti maloprodajni lanac.

For 30 years, we have been importing and distributing top quality products of renowned European and international food brands to the Croatian market.

 Hrvatsko tržište pruža velike mogućnosti i izazove i pred nas postavlja zadaću praćenja trendova s ciljem implementacije najboljeg, omogućavajući na taj način visoku kvalitetu proizvoda i konkurentne cijene. Glavna odrednica razvoja je distribucija snažnih brendova. Dugogodišnje uspješno poslovanje s našim partnerima dokazuje nas kao najpoželjnijeg partnera u ovom dijelu Europe. Naši kupci i partneri su svi značajni sudionici na tržištu u HoReCa i Retail kanalu prodaje, prvenstveno u Hrvatskoj, ali i u Sloveniji te Bosni i Hercegovini. Stanić danas surađuje s više od 300 dobavljača te upravlja s 3.000 proizvoda.



our 32 stores

We worked intensively on expanding our own retail chain.


Built central LDC

Central logistics and distribution center in Sveta Nedelja.


Our facility was opened

For slicing and packing dried meat products and cheeses.



Kompanija Stanić osnovana je 1994. godine u Zagrebu. Inovativnost, entuzijazam i pobjednički duh temeljna su načela koja su Stanić dovela do lidera u organizaciji distribucije. Kompanija je od svog osnutka pa u narednih 10 godina razvoja otvorila sedam distributivnih centara u svim većim gradovima: Zagrebu, Osijeku, Rijeci, Puli, Zadaru, Splitu i Dubrovniku. U 2007. godina otvoren je vlastiti pogon za narezivanje i pakiranje suhomesnatih proizvoda i sireva. U 2008. godini izgrađen je centralni logističko distributivni centar u Svetoj Nedelji. Od 2012. godine intezivno se radilo na širenju vlastitog maloprodajnog lanca, ta su tako do sada otvorene 30 trgovine diljem Hrvatske, pod nazivom Diskont Stanić.

Danas kompanija upravlja s preko 3.000 proizvoda, ima preko 350 zaposlenih, 30 vlastite maloprodaje kao i vlastitu proizvodnju.

What we do



With our vehicles from central and regional warehouses, we respond to their needs for intensive and regular supply.


With the most modernly equipped delivery vehicles and warehouses, we provide our business partners with security and reliability.



Special attention is given to HoReCa sales channel, given that we live in a tourist country with a strong focus on catering.


Our warehouse business complexes use cutting-edge cooling chambers and product storage technologies on plus and minus regimes.


Through an excellent offer and the best ratio of quality and price, we believe that we can offer our customers high-quality food products.


Proizvodna linija za proizvodnju i narezivanje suhomesnatih proizvoda, mesnih prerađevina, sireva, u vakuumu i modificiranoj atmosferi.


Many years of successful business

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Years of experience
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Delivery Locations


Plans for the future

Distribution and production of high-quality products that are trusted by consumers. Our mission are constant efforts to provide top service to our partners in all sales channels. The continuous upward trajectory is the result of tireless improvement, innovation and investment in the development.

The business mission of the company Stanić, in which we believe that only the best is good enough, is based on high-quality products that enjoy the trust of consumers, and continuous activities that guarantee quality at all times.

Our vision is to be a leading distribution company of food products in terms of knowledge and organization, in relation to customers and in the realization of the business visions of our partners.





The choice is important, so choose a reliable partner! We offer a professional service for all our business partners. 



Together we introduce novelties and push boundaries

Our business policy includes cooperation with renowned suppliers which operate on the principles of good business practices and ethical and moral standards of modern business.

We maintain partnership relations with all retail chains, as well as our partners from the HoReCa department, which enables us to effectively market products to end consumers. We are partners with all large and small retail chains, but also with gas stations, drugstores, hotels, restaurants and other catering facilities.